Lets continue with the review. At this moment i'm in chapter 11 and i can clearly feel that my enemies surpass my current strenght, so i'm busy grinding myself some serious amount of crystanium (used to upgrade your charachter)
When i put the disc in my playstation 3 for the first time with great anticipation , i was utterly stunned by 2 things.
First the graphics were of the charts for me, normaly i wont rate a game on his graphics but this time it was different, it was like a part of the game and story.
Second was that my playstation 3 was lagging at the intro cutscene. seeing that my playstation is a 1st generation of its kind (20Gb) it was something to think about: Just how hard is the strain of the game on my playstation?
In conclusion the graphics are so good you will need some sunglasses :p.
Character development (Background story, reactions, personality, etc..)
In the first 6 houres i had already made a choise of who i liked in my team and who were just some tagg alongs. the first one who jumped on the black list was snow villiers, seeing him as a total retard i was eager to drop him out of the team (not that i had a choice to drop him at that point in game) His background was well defined but his reactions in the story and his conclusions made me think that he was better off death. Next was lightning who i liked and disliked, she has a good amount of badass personalit, but sometimes that goes a little of the charts, if you ignore that then she is a good char for story and battle.
Vanille had a little annoying voice, but i got used to that. The little 'dark secrets ' made her at least interesting. Hope estheim was my favorite at that time, he is a kid so he don't need a lot of background story.
Sazh was the most normal person of the team, that is if you ignore the chocobo chick living in his hair. Fang who later joins the team looked like a decent person to me.
come to think of it, most background story is explained in the 13 days before the game began, and your story line gets interrupted sometimes for a backflash.
Thats it for the part 1 review, when i finnish the game i wil review everything in whole. I will also post some little tips about the game, what you can do and what is best for certain enemies and eidolons.
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